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My first boat

To buy a boat is for many a dream come true. Being able to drop the moorings on your own boat for the first time and sail out on the water with friends and family is an experience you will never forget. At the Danish Marine Center, we strive every day for customers who buy a boat from us to feel safe. That's why we keep you hand in hand throughout the process, from the boat being selected to the launch, and our experienced staff offering instruction in the boat's technique and facilities as well as teaching the practical sailing.

Being a new sailor can be an overwhelming experience getting your foot on your own deck, and you might be a little nervous about going out on the big ocean on your own. As a customer of the Danish Marine Center, you get all our knowledge and experience regarding. practical sailing provided so you can feel comfortable handling your new boat.


Get by and get advice

Stokagervej 23, 8240 Risskov

(+45) 87 10 70 10


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