

In our well-stocked shop in Risskov you can find pretty much everything for preparation, maintenance and care of your boat. We have everything in primer, cleaning and polishing agents, wax, engine oil, filters, anodes, gaskets, impellers, everything for safety, etc., and we have lots of spare parts for Bavaria, Volvo Penta, Mercury etc. in stock. And should you need a specific spare part that we do not have in stock immediately, we will get it home quickly.

Call Marianne on tel. 87 10 70 18 or come and talk to her - she knows everything about equipment and spare parts etc. and is happy to give you good advice and tips. It is much better than ordering a spare part abroad to save a little, because if you order it from Marianne, you are sure that you will get exactly the spare part that you need, and we will gladly exchange if it should become necessary.


Get by and get advice

Stokagervej 23, 8240 Risskov

(+45) 87 10 70 10


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